Dayton, Ohio Professional Photographer, Larry Davis


City Scapes
Gettysburg 2004
Classic Cars
Beach Scenes
Landscapes & Nature
B&W + Infrared
Fine Art

The Equipment Used by Larry Davis

Most people are interested in knowing the type of equipment a professional photographer uses to capture their images. While the equipment is an important part in the overall quality of the images in a photographer's portfolio, it is definitely not a means to an end. Dedication, hard work, and overall talent and skill are the predominant factors in producing good images.

For those of you who are dying to know what type of equipment I use when I go out in the field, I will detail it all here.

Currently, I am using only digital cameras, and have done away with shooting film. Here is a comprehensive list of the equipment I have used to create some of the images on this site:

35mm & Digital Equipment
  • Kodak DCS 760 Professional Digital Body
  • Nikon N-90s Camera Bodies (2)
  • Tokina AF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 lens
  • Tokina ATX II AF 28-70mm f2.8 lens
  • Nikon AF-D 50mm f/1.8 lens
  • Nikon AIS 100mm f/2.8 lens
  • Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX AF lens
  • Nikon AF-D ED Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 lens
  • Tokina ATX II 100-300mm f/2.8 lens
  • Nikon AF-D ED Nikkor 300mm f/4 lens
  • Nikon ED-IF Nikkor 600mm f/5.6 lens
  • ...along with a ton of filters, battery packs, flashes, etc.


Large Format Equipment

  • Calumet 4x5 Camera Body
  • Schneider 210mm f/5.6 lens
  • ...along with a lot of backs and accessories



  • Bogen 3021 Professional Tripod
  • Bogen Pan / Tilt Head

There you have it! A list of my equipment. Now go out and spend a ton of money on all of the same equipment I have and create some great images :=)

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